Small and Medium Towns' Attractiveness
  • Small and Medium Towns' Attractiveness
  • Small and Medium Towns' Attractiveness

Géographie & territoires

Small and Medium Towns' Attractiveness

At the beginning of the 21st Century

Vol. 33

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Academic studies show that small and medium-sized towns are not inevitably disqualified by the processes of metropolisation and growth of big cities, but on the contrary tend to attract or to keep inhabitants and activities, to create jobs (in a difficult context of post-industrial economy) and to remain competitive, in different ways depending on highly contrasted trends and situations.
Analysis conducted by spatial planners, economists, geographers or historians can propose a global approach of changes in small and medium towns and lead to understand the kind of relationships they have with their surrounding territories, being rural or urban and the stakes local stakeholders have to tackle to implement development policies.
The discussions focus on four different aspects of small and medium-sized towns:

  1. Definition of attractiveness: multidisciplinary, comparative and diachronic approaches
  2. Issues of quality of life and residential attractiveness
  3. Functional changes: innovation and competitiveness
  4. The place of small towns in mobility and systems of flows.

Jean-Charles Édouard

Jean-Charles Édouard est géographe, maître de conférences à l'Université Clermont Auvergne.

En savoir plus sur Jean-Charles Édouard

A. Kwiatek-Soltys

A. Kwiatek-Soltys est membre de l'Institute of Geography, Pedagogical University of Krakow.

En savoir plus sur A. Kwiatek-Soltys

Hélène Mainet

Hélène Mainet est géographe, enseignante-chercheure habilitée à diriger des recherches à l'Université Clermont Auvergne et à l'UMR Territoires. Ses travaux portent sur les relations ville-campagne et les enjeux de développement dans les villes petites et moyennes, en Europe et en Afrique.

En savoir plus sur Hélène Mainet

K. Wiedermann

K. Wiedermann est membre de l'Institute of Geography, Pedagogical University of Krakow.

En savoir plus sur K. Wiedermann

Détails du produit

Jean-Charles Édouard A. Kwiatek-Soltys Hélène Mainet K. Wiedermann
Date de parution
13 octobre 2014
Nombre de pages
332 pages
16 x 24 cm

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